Monday, September 29, 2008

So sick of feeling!

I definitely thought I would be feeling so much better by now, but the sick feeling is still lingering. The past week has felt like 1st trimester all over again. At least I know the baby is doing well, but man, I am ready to feel GOOD! No, GREAT! LOL!

We are only 4 weeks away from the big ultrasound. Let's hope this little one cooperates! If not, it will be a surprise until March!! I am starting to feel like I know what the gender is...but will keep it to myself until I know if I am right!!!!!

Love to all!



Catie said...

Girls make ya sicker I hear...

kathrynwilson said...

Can't wait to hear if it's a little boy or little girl:) Hope you start to feel better soon:) Take Care! Miss you! Love reading the updates!q

Brianne said...

I can't wait to hear the sex! I hope you can find out! I'll check back soon. Hope all is well!